Introduction to Master Yang Yang's Spine Program By Dr. David Mann
TaiChi Spine
Introduction to Master Yang Yang's Spine Program
By Dr. David Mann
Heal and Strengthen the Spine with T'ai Chi & Qigong
I attended a sample class by Master Yang to introduce his T’ai Chi and Qigong for Back Pain program. Master Yang is my t’ai chi teacher. This program can help people with back pain and beyond.
David J. Mann, MD, FAAD is a board-certified dermatologist with a passion for innovation. He is the founder and CEO of Medovate, a healthcare movement focusing on disrupting the status quo in medicine for the betterment of all. Dr. Mann has been the recipient of numerous honors and awards, including a research award on atypical moles by the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD). He is the past president of the Chicago Dermatological Society (CDS) and served as the CDS representative to the AAD’s Advisory Board. He received a merit-based scholarship from the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, and then went on to complete his internship in internal medicine through Northwestern University and then dermatology at the University of Chicago. Dr. Mann now practices integrative dermatology at his office in Buffalo Grove, IL, and is currently setting up a nonprofit and interdependent physician network to support those who care for the health and wellbeing of others.