Heal and Strengthen the Spine with T'ai Chi & Qigong, LESSON 17

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TaiChi Spine

Movement & start times:

(1) Rising Mist Left and Right S204: 2:04

(2) Open & Close Energy Ball S204: 8:08

(3) Standing Meditation - Harmony Stance - Moderation S217: 11:35

(4) Heavenly Spiral S204: 22:10

(5) Revolving Shoulders - Backward S202: 28:21

(6) Lying Down Meditation - Deeper Relaxation S216: 32:40

(7) Qi Flow - Embody the wisdom of moderation S216: 42:06

(8) Sitting Meditation - Relieving pain through mastering moderation S217: 51:15

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