Heal and Strengthen the Spine with T'ai Chi & Qigong, LESSON 11
TaiChi Spine
Movement & start times:
(1) Buddha Lengthens the Spine - Gentle stretching from both ends S202: 3:18
(2) AP-Anxiety #101 Shoulder Well, 肩井, Jiān jǐng。: 3:28
(3) Standing Meditation - Harmony Stance - L Body Intelligence S211: 11:48
(4) Shoveling Snow S202: 20:02
(5) Golden Rooster Stands on One Leg - Arm only S209: 26:35
(6) Lying Down Meditation Deeper Relaxation S210: 30:27
(7) Qi Flow - Nurturing - Energy flow - Confidence S209: 40:27
(8) Sitting Meditation - Cultivating Positive Mood S211: 49:24